Product performance:
The use of high-quality synthetic base oi1 with multi-funct1onal imports of composite additives from harmony.
qualltylevel inline with the United States APl SL spec iflcations.
With low fuel consumptlon, effectlve to reduce fuel consumption, in line with energy saving, environmental protection requirements.
unique energy-saving performance, can effectively reduce the cylinder and plston, cam and tappet, shaft and bearing corrosion and wear, reduce power consumption, to the engine full lubrication protection.
has excellent high andlow temperature performance, to avoid the opening and closing caused by the formation of black sludge, with a long oil change period, it is suitable for frequent trafflc congestion.
high temperaturelubrication and clean dispersion, can preventthe formation of carbon deposition and paint to keep the engine parts clean.
Applicable to the requirements of the use of APl: SLlevel of imports, domesticluxury cars, buses and other vehicle engine lubrication. Such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW,Audi, Volkswagen, Ford, GM, Toyota, Honda, Kia, Hyundai, Kia and other models.